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每日早报 DailyNews - Stay Informed in Just 60 Seconds

每日早报 DailyNews is a free Chrome add-on that aims to keep you informed about the latest news and events in just 60 seconds. Developed by tongkaisun, this browser extension falls under the category of Browsers and specifically the subcategory of Add-ons & Tools.

With DailyNews, you can easily stay updated on the world's happenings without spending too much time. Every morning at 8 am, the add-on curates and summarizes news articles that you might have missed, making it convenient for you to catch up on what's going on.

The main feature of DailyNews is its ability to provide you with a quick overview of news stories in just 60 seconds. It saves you the effort of browsing through numerous articles by condensing the information into a concise format. Whether you're a busy professional or simply want to stay informed without spending too much time, DailyNews is designed to cater to your needs.

Overall, DailyNews offers a convenient way to get a snapshot of the latest news in a short amount of time. Its simplicity and focus on providing bite-sized news summaries make it a useful tool for those who want to stay informed without investing too much time.

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